How to care for hair naturally and healthily – having healthy hair is the dream of every human being, especially the eve. Facing modern life which is arguably very easy but this tricky makes us think hard in stepping.
Not only the problem of money and work, the problems of shopping, health and care of all things should be determined in a mature manner. Having an attractive and good hairstyle model does not guarantee your health and comfort in appearance.
For that here we as admin Jempolkaki will give tips on how to take good care of hair naturally to avoid hair damage such as hair loss, curling, rupture, branching and dry both male and female.
Check out the following reviews so that you can make them good and correct. Remember don't let one simple step be missed on the tips this time. Because your hair health can affect your body and brain fitness as well. Fresh coconut smooth activity.
Talking about body care certainly relates to masks, including hair. Everyone who wants healthy and comfortable hair is sure to wear a traditional hair mask.
Already used masks but still hair loss and dry? Yak, that's a problem that often exists at the moment. The use of carelessly mask makes hair unresistant with the presence of chemicals or basic material masks that make added hair damaged.
Therefore, from now on try switching to hair care with natural masks. If it is not possible and do not want natural ingredients try to find another solution that is to find products for your hair precisely and thoroughly.
Olive oil
The complex vitamins that exist on the content of olives can not only darken the hair but also can be a solution to overcome hair loss.
In the earlier society also had been widely proved as a cure for all diseases except death. So it is great for skin care, hair and other outside organs.
The use of olive masks for hair is very simple and easy.
The first step is to dry thoroughly your hair.
Then massage slowly the scalp with a hand that has been terbalur olive oil.
Then after the coconut skin has been moistened with Olive,
Do the oil supply on your hair evenly and give the massage so that the olives permeates the pores of the skin and hair.
Then let stand for 15-20 minutes, until it's felt enough.
Rinse with warm water by slowly.
Then shower with soap and shampoo so that the former oil disappears from the whole body.
Do it twice a week and see the results.
Aloe vera
The second hair mask is with aloe vera. Aloevera is already set up by many experts as a health specialist for hair. From vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, thiamin, protein, niacin, and iron.
All have an active role in treating hair health, from dry inhibiting, reinforcing & hair roots to overcoming dandruff and hair loss.
Hence why it is advisable to use natural ingredients only if for body treatment. To be free of mercury, lead and other hazardous chemicals. It is equally a hair solution but without giving side effects to health.
How to wear a aloe vera mask as a natural hair treatment
Apply mucus chunks of aloe vera until evenly on the hair and scalp.
Then let stand 20 minutes to dry and soak in the pores of the head hair.
Then rinse it with shampoo and clean water to remove sticky mucus aloevera.
Do it twice a week.
To get more satisfying result mix aloe vera with olive oil. The way to use the same, only the first olives and mucous aloe vera mixed into one.
Honey and Lemon
Honey as a special effective treatment of dry and dull hair. A death Duet of two liquids is always the solution of acne, skin, hair and as a drug in the (consumptive) problem.
Honey is used for hair health, then lemon juice is useful as a hair cleanser of oil and dandruff. When put together into a mask will make your hair look clean, moist and look shiny because of the antidioxide from honey.
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